Wednesday, February 18, 2015

NBA All-Snore Game By: Dixie Robinson

Shot of the Final Score of the NBA All-Star Game

Every year it happens: The NBA All-Star game. The best basketball players from every team gather together for one game to settle the score. This is not uncommon in sports because football and baseball both have a similar game annually as well. This year, the two teams were divided by their geographic location: East and West, with only a few exceptions. One would think that this would be the all time dream for fans everywhere; seeing all their favorite basketball players having a good time playing basketball in the same place. Who wouldn't want that? 

I'll tell you who: College Students. I took a poll of a classroom of students at Avila University to see how many actually watched the All-Star game. The classroom consisted of 12 people, the majority being communication majors including Sports Communication and Sports Promotion. I figured that if anyone had watched the game, it would have been them. To my surprise, 0 out of the 12 had watched the game. I then asked them, "How many of you even care about the NBA All-Star game?" The response was once again unanimous with 0 out of 12 people. 

The Class of Students Polled

For events such as the Superbowl, you hear talk for weeks about who people are cheering for and their extra plans that go along with it. Why is the NBA All-Star game not the same way? Obviously many people watch it because of the many advertisers who pay big bucks to get their advertisements into one or more slots, but why not college students? I'm sure some of it has to do with the fact that college students want something that's going to be interesting to watch, and let's be honest, it's hard to watch a basketball game when you don't have a stake in the race. One could also speculate that as college students, it's more interesting to watch college basketball than professional. When you're a college student, you feel as though the college athletes are your friends because you're on the same level. One may not be able to find the real reason, however, but as far as Avila students are concerned, the All-Star game was a bust.
As for me, the All-Star game put me to sleep.

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